"Because I am in fear for my life."
Then it was bedtime for Bonzos. The kids fell asleep pretty much right off. It was after 10 and they were pretty sleepy from all of the fun that went on that day. Me, well, I couldn't fall asleep with the drama around me and the neighbors being drunk and loud. Then finally, after 12, I fell asleep. NOT FOR LONG! I was woken up by some pretty heavy thunder. That's right. I said thunder! And lightning. NICE! Not really! After listening and peering out my tent window getting all freaked out by how close the strikes were, I grabbed the kiddos and threw them into the truck as fast as I could. I tried to wake up my mom so she could close the tailgate and keep from getting wet under her canopy. No such luck. So I left her and Tom to fend for themselves. Once in, It rained cats and dogs! It was so stormy. Hunter said "Mom, how do I know if I am going to pass out?" I asked why. He said "Because I am in fear for my life." He held up his hands for a dramatic effect. I laughed and said we were fine here in the truck. Looking out the window...I saw a tent go rolling by. This is a true story! A tent...blew by! We sat and waited until the storm passed. None of us could go back to sleep. It was about 4:30am and I finally put the kids back in to the tent. It was still dry inside. Then about a half hour in, it started up again. We stayed in the tent. It was not too long and it went away again. 6:00am, I woke up in a puddle. ug. yep. I packed up our stuff, hugged my mom, grabbed the kids and drove our butts back home. Hunter and I voted and it was official. We wanted to go. That was the trip. Home by 11:00 and couldn't have been happier to lay down!
haha!! OMG what an adventure!