October 24th stared as any other day would. My boys were up running around the house, eating nutty bars, before the roosters could open their eyes. "Mom, where are you?" is Jameson's famous wake up call as he comes into my room to get me out of bed. They both climb in and lay with me for another 10 minutes. Then we are up, up, up!!! Next we eat breakfast, do some cleaning and get ready for our day. I text Ashley to see if she would like to come over early today since our family pictures were rained out with Lindsey. She is up already with lil Mav man and comes over as soon as possible. I love that she lives only a few minutes away. We have our mom talk time while the boys play in the playroom and then we decide on lunch. The Blue Bird is the place we can all agree on. So off we went. Hunter was dropped off to play with Jackson and Kobe for the day, he was ok with us going without him. We got there and sat at the first booth. It was Sunday so we knew it would be busy. Jameson insisted on sitting in a highchair. He hasn't sat in one of those since he was a lil lil one. So he sat there while Mav sat like a big boy at the booth next to Ashley. We started out with 3 waters and a sprite for Jameson. Mav has his juice so he didn't need anything more to drink. We started stacking the jam. This is how we do it here at the Bird. We create parking garages and homes out of jam and sugar packets (inspired by Hunter). Soon Ashley has Mav knocking the homes down like Godzilla and his hand hits his juice... there goes the juice bottle across the table, into the water...and all over Jameson. LOL! Thankfully it was just water and Jameson was only splashed down the side. Strike one for the Mav man! So, we start building again. Ashley sets Godzilla loose again, specifying this time that he is to do it gentle. ...There went the juice bottle into the other cup of water... I jump out of the way! At that point I had moved Jameson from the highchair that was soaked on the first strike and he is now next to me, so I am close to the edge...close to the war zone. I manage to get out of the way and out cries Ashley "Mav!" and she goes for the napkins. Strike 2 Mav. LOL! So, we had 2 full glasses of water on the floor and across the table and the good news in this is that we ended up saving the sprite.
Next was the 2 cups of brown gravy. between all the dipping and Jameson just saying the heck with the fries and going at the gravy with a spoon, the boys were a mess! LOL! And it was a very memorable lunch. Awwww! The battles we choose. This was not one of them...We just went with it. And it was good.
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