Mission Complete. Next: Goats!

Today Tippy and Mumphy had an amazing day.
We woke up, had coffee (Mumphy hit the strong button), gabbed and planned our day. Then we removed our strewn about bodies from the couches and got ready. Time to go running around to get our supplies!
We were getting chickens and we were not going to stop until our mission was complete.
The sun was shining, the country music blasting, camo overalls on...driving round without a care in the world. The Co-Op was closed. Big surprise. It's Sunday. Everything is closed. Good Ol' Strotz's Farm was open though. I knew I could count on that one. We walked out with 10 chickens, a new heat lamp and bulb, chicken scratch, Hay fork and some gloves that fit. We were ready.
We spent the rest of the day cleaning out the coop and making a bed for all the babies. I sat with the chickens for a bit. Playing with them. They all cuddle together squeaking away under the heat lamp. I can't wait to one day come out to the coop and collect eggs for breakfast with my Wild U-bangies.
We situated the rabbits out in the shed as well, next to the window. This way they can get some sun. I played with them also. 
It looks amazing and I can't wait for my boys to get home so they can see what a wonderful start to our little farm we have.I love my new gloves. I have never had some of my very own that fit me. I like it. It makes me smile. I wear a smile a lot lately. It feels good.
Leon came over to help with anything we needed and helped get in a grand supply of wood. That was nice. I think he was a little disappointed that we didn't have more for him to do.
I loved the sun today. I didn't want to get out of it! I played in it nearly all day.
NEXT: Goats!


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