Mothers day and the boys in dirty boots

This is what a mother looks like. 
I am not perfect but I try my hardest. I can keep up with my 3 and 9 year old. I can make coyote calls and word off monsters from under a bed. I can read a book, making every voice for every character (no matter how ridiculous I sound).  I can heal any boo boo with a kiss. I can add extra bubbles to a bubble bath and throw the blankets in the dryer right before bed on a cold winters night. I can make the best chicken with Johnny's seasoning and shrimp Alfredo in the world (I should open a restraunt according to Hunter, just to sell these). I give airplane and piggy back rides. I make funny faces that keep the giggles going. I give hugs and kisses out like candy. I have no fear of spiders and creepy crawlers. I can solve a riddle anytime of the day and answer just about every question they can trow my way. I can swing higher. I can run faster. I can beat them at their own games. But I let them win everytime. I am super mom. I know all and I have eyes in the back of my head.
BUT! Not for long. Soon my babies will be grown and I can only hope that I was able to prepare them for their lives as respectable young men. Soon a kiss won't heal a booboo and I cant tell them fibs to protect them from the truth. But for now...I'll take what I can get!
Today, Mothers was not that day. Today was my super mom powers turned up to high and my energy was cranked by a morning redbull.
I piled 3 little boys in my car on the way to church. I had a pack of seagulls following me around all morning squawking. "Can I have some..." and " I need more of..." and I loved every minute of it! I am a boys mom and it shows. I have cheetos fingerprints on my jeans and a mouth guard in my purse along with the random hot wheel in my pocket. I wear it well.
Church was amazing. The boys scattered once we went through the doors. Jameson this way, Hunter squared that way. To Sunday school they went! Then it was me and Ashley singing away. Can you believe that I have ad 9 mothers days?? She is on mothers day number 2. We took our annual mothers day picture a and cought up on the news for the day. I love you Ashley!!
Then, ADVENTURES to the farm. "Hi cows", the boys went straight for them. Then Hunter Squared bounced around on the giant white marshmellows and Jameson drove the truck. This is where my eyes in the back of my head came in handy!
Time to go! We piled back into the car, my boys and their muddy boots, and off we went after saying our goodbyes to Greg and the farm.
Jen met us at the house for our mothers day lunch. Hunters played in the woods and with the chickens. Abby played with her baby Jameson for a few and Jen and I gossiped about the ongoings in our homes. Stories of kids, sports and how much those boys can eat caused us to laugh and get even more comfortable in our day.
Soon it was time for the day to end and I kissed my babies goodnight.


  1. Keep these blogs and read them often and believe what you write! you ARE a good mom, and it takes a special woman to 'mother' boys!! They will grow up and KNOW they are loved and love you for it!!!


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