I had 4 boys all weekend. Count them. 4.

I had 4 boys all weekend. Count them. 4
Hunter and Hunter (Hunter squared) Kobe and Jameson. Big boys doing boy stuff. Shooting. Xbox 360 Halo trance. Battles. Imaginations in full war mode. Flipping on the trampoline telling eachother how cool they are. It was fun to see what they would do next.
Jameson and I had other plans. We were in full pet every chicken we can mode. We had quite the line up. Then it was egg gathering time. Jameson loved all the eggs. He got to get each egg all by himself. Placing them "gentley" into my shirt, cracking a few. Oooops. Those will go into the boiler for sure.
Morning pancakes shaped like Angry Birds and Bears. The boys sitting down, putting on the Hannah Montanna movie. Discussing if she looks better with or without the wig. They decided it was without.
A funny and fun couple of days just being Mom.


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