Burnin it down

Well, it goes down like this. We all meet up in the Arlington Dennys parking lot. Chat for a bit. Then to my casa we go. Ali and I in the Jetta. Patti following. I think that the second I put the car in park was the second that we all just let lose and had some fun. Patti jumped in. Music up. Singing. All the chickens looking at us like we were crazy...we are. Ali and I get really into the song. Arms going. Faces made. Yeah. We did that.
After we finally climbed from the car and sang our way to the front door, we went for the fridge. Ali had made some egg salad for some delicious sandwiches. Patti inhaled hers right when she sat at the dining room table. Ali and I, we snack attacked ours. "No more Egg Salad for Greg!" Ali poses with the bowl. Empty. Yum!
The singing began...."You're so vain..." Then it was some apricot scarfs and some thong undies that will never go back....I have no idea. It sounded good. Then it was on to our favorite... "Daring damsels, majestic sword fights, magic places, a prince in disguise..." Oh god, we know it's not the right words for the movie. But we love burnin it down! Patti ends up on the kitchen floor laughing so hard she can't move a muscle. Ali and I almost pee our pants on a few occasions. Jokes. Laughs. Silliness. chit chatting. Funny Funs. Snack attacks and lots of sisterly love! What an amazing night!


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