::And it happened to be her Birthday::

 February 13, 2010
Snohomish, WA at The Repp
I thank my lucky stars for the friends that I have in my life. Tonight was spent with my best and very most dear friend to my heart and soul. And it happened to be her Birthday. Happy Birthday Monique! Every time I see you, you bring me right back to Freshman year, in the parking lot, posing for that picture with your arm in the air! (I laugh to myself) We have spent so many wonderful years together. I pray for so many more ahead.
Ohhhh, the youngsters got away with murder tonight.
I just about died when Monique walked in to The Repp. I LOVE her! Hugs! Misses! Finally at our table, we waited. Chatting in our own little way. Trickling in were happy faces. We all celebrated with fancy drinks and some, well, not so fancy. Pomegranate Martinis, Rum and Cokes, Lemon Drops...you name it. We had it. And it was oh-so-good! There were over 15 of us seated at the front window of The Repp. Moms, Little sisters, Friends old and new. Vintage dresses, Pencil skirts and High Heels. Legs crossed like ladies. Passing around the menus we ordered item after item. Sharing each plate. It was so good to see my pretty Felicia and KayKay. It has been far too long. I love how we love each other! Every moment sitting there, celebrating, was a great moment. It was one of those times nights that you know you'll remember. Full of catching up on all the good. All the happiness. All the LOVE! The "little ones" having the time of their lives. Keeping us laughing. Oh to be in my early 20's again...
Thank you for bringing us all together on your Birthday Mo! I love you to the moon and back! Happy Birthday!!!!


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