::We have 8 teeny-tiny babies and 8 lovely young ladies::
We have 8 teeny-tiny babies and 8 lovely young ladies. Its Chicken Season!
Last year was a sad year for our chickens. Free range, they were flown off, one by one, by the Eagles. Plucked right from the ground. So. Reinforcements were made to the coop. No more free range for the Funhaver's chickens. Hunter an I are not willing to feed the eagles this year.
The kids are extatic. I'm excited. Hunter will be selling eggs again and Jameson is listing chicken names like a natural. I, personally, am ready for puffy head Polish chickens and Silkies to be running around along with our Rhode Island Reds and Americanas. Blue Eggs! I have waited 5 years for puffball heads and feather feets to be running around!
Last year was a sad year for our chickens. Free range, they were flown off, one by one, by the Eagles. Plucked right from the ground. So. Reinforcements were made to the coop. No more free range for the Funhaver's chickens. Hunter an I are not willing to feed the eagles this year.
The kids are extatic. I'm excited. Hunter will be selling eggs again and Jameson is listing chicken names like a natural. I, personally, am ready for puffy head Polish chickens and Silkies to be running around along with our Rhode Island Reds and Americanas. Blue Eggs! I have waited 5 years for puffball heads and feather feets to be running around!
The Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) is a domesticated fowl, a subspecies of the Red Junglefowl. As one of the most common and widespread domestic animals with a population of more than 24 billion in 2003,[1] there are more chickens in the world than any other species of bird. Humans keep chickens primarily as a source of food, consuming both their meat and their eggs.
Hunter and his chicken Princess York
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