::I laugh at the thought of teaching him to pee::

With the blink of an eye, my little boy is going into the 6th grade. I can not believe I have raised such an amazing young man.  I am so proud to call him mine. 11 years of teaching. learning. I laugh at the thought of teaching him to pee. (Giggle) He had to dab with toilet paper until he was 3 because I could not teach him to "shake". Oh My Hunter. You have been a Mommies boy for 11 years now and for all 11 years you have stolen my heart. 
I love sitting down with you reading that spiral notebook I have kept full of your every day things. Your first Gurgle. Wiggle. Noise. Giggle. First solid food. First step. First tear. Everything! Your first words... "Boo" was your first. Then "Mama" for everything, It was almost a hum because you said it so much. Then "Dada" was all you could say. Oh yes, you were nearly 2 when I left that red nail polish un-attended. You reached your little hand up as I walked away for a split second. Down it went. "Shit!" was then a word in your vocabulary for a good week. That stain never did come out. Reading those stories with you are priceless. The look on your face. Your laughs as you ask me to re play those moments. To mimic your faces and noises. You may be getting older but you will always be my little Bug. My Hunter-Who. Hunty. (I won't embarrass you with any others!) I have a ca-gillion pictures of every silly moment of your life. One day you will be happy your mommy is so in love with taking pictures of her family and documenting every moment.. 

You were always an artist. You had yourself an art table in your room at 9 months. Drawing away. If you were quiet I knew what you were up to. You never touched those walls though, just that wood table. It was covered in your art along with pages and pages of your little scribbles and stacks of color books. 

You carried your "Beebees" around with you everywhere. Dragging then through whatever path you made. Poor limp little care bears. 
Then it was the Dora the Explorer stage. Oh, your 1st birthday party was an adventure! Dora Dora Dora. Then your 2nd was your finding Nemo stage. I covered the walls of that house in a fish and underwater sea scenes. Blue light bulbs. Blue streamers. It was like a dream. Then it was Thomas (I hated those movies). Sponge Bob. Transformers, oh-my. Transformers are right up there with your now Halo obsession. You loved those Transformers. You had every single one. Every movie. OH! Legos. I have probably spent, in the last 8 years, over $4,000 in Legos! You have bins and bins. And you are still constructing, covering your shelves with your creations. It puts a smile on my face to see you still putting them together. Masterpiece after masterpiece. My little artist. 


I love you right past the moon, to the farthest star and back! Always and forever. And I can't wait for then next million years with you buddy!

Love, Mommy


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