::This was one of the last years in our lives that Mommy can show up as a princess.::

October 31, 2013

Walking through the kindergarden classroom door Jameson looked Once. Twice. Then the Third time. "Mom?" he said very quiet. Shocked. "My Mom, My Mom is here! She is a princess..." was what I heard next as my little Scooby Dooby Doo ran at me for his hug. 

I can not tell you how happy I was that I was able to venture to his classroom for his Halloween party. 

You see, Jameson tells me every day that I am his princess with my beautiful hair, my pretty face and everything else a sweet little boy could say. So, I could not help myself. This was one of the last years in our lives that Mommy can show up as a princess. So I did. 
...I also made my own princess dress...


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