From the "Jungle of death" to "Paradise"

Jameson was quite sure that we were following behind archaeologists on our walk about in the North Cascades. "Follow me, I'm the leader" he said over and over again. And that was that. So, we did. And away we went - off like a shot down the path! I squeezed Christian's hand along the way, keeping clear of Hunter's tree branch fern chopping. He was quite the path clearer, unless it got away from him that is....hitting me in the arm. (Insert laugh here)
River bound we stayed together on the trail. We tracked through the "Jungle of death" to finally reach "Paradise" (Insert Jameson's little voice here).
Tic Tac Toe in the sand followed by sand castles consumed most of our time there. Don't get me wrong...there was plenty of exploring...but those sand castles were the highlight of our river extravaganza. Alright, I may have sand blasted Chris with a handful down his shirt! ONLY after he sanded my shoes and legs with a side dish of his laughter. 
It was nothing short of a wonderful day and I could not have asked for better company!


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