7 Months a Waylon baby

Our little Waylon baby turned 7months on January 10th! We are so in love with this chunky, bubble blowing, giggle factory and thank God every single day for such a gift❤

-I say "Da Da" like it's my job
-I love big boy food of any kind, I'm loving the Gerber's tiny bits baby food
-I'm still a spaz when it comes to rice rusks
-I love to play with the kitty that sleeps on my changing table
-I can sit by myself and play with my castle 
-I love toys that make noise and light up
-I scooch around and roll every chance I can
-My first toothie is almost through
-I wake up with a smile
-I bounce my bouncer, almost right off the frame
-I can wear 12-18 month clothing
-I'm in the 100% for my height and weight
-I am a bigger SpingeBob addict every day that goes by
-I like to walk, assisted, as fast as I can and could walk by myself anytime now
-I still love going to my Auntie Dee's house for a few days a month while Mommy works
-I'm spoiled because Mommy stays at home with me
-I love to visit with my family
-I am bashful when I meet new people and burry my head in my Mommy and Daddy's shoulders


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