Beach Bums

July 16th-18th

It was a much needed mid week adventure to Ronald, WA (another work-cation for the hubs, but, vacation for us).
After a long hot, sun kissed day, we took a break from topping 93 fence posts, to go find some water to play in! And, BOY, did we hit the JACKPOT! The lake was everything! A beautiful beach that you could drive up to (fabulous with three kids and all of their stuff), park, and open the hatch. The soft sand was just right between our toes and the fresh water crashed over us as we played. Waylon boy could not get enough of being buried in the soft sandy beach. Up to his chest, he kept trying to find ways to bury himself more and more. This left us laughing at the sight of this little boy scooping the sand with his tiny hands.
It was pure happiness to watch my family play, without a care in the world. PURE HAPPINESS!


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