Let them play Mom, let them play!

I don't want to be part of this "lawn mower Mom" generation. I want my children to live life. To really live life! I want my children to bump their knee, to fall, and to experience everything that comes along with the good and the bad. Some of my best memories are of hurts that have happened to me. I mean, my sister Emily ran me over with my own four-wheeler when I was 5 years old!
I guarantee you, fellow Mommy, life is NOT meant to have every obstacle mowed down for you. Life is meant to be lived! And living a life comes with obstacles.
Did you know, statistically, that if a child doesn't ever learn how to go across monkey bars and fall off of a jungle gym (for example) they never really learn how to navigate through a structure? They never really learn how their limbs coexist with their mind. They bump things. They fall a lot. This carries into their adulthood! This can cause anxiety and behavioral issues.
Anyways. Food for thought.
Let them play fellow Mom, let them play!



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