Thank goodness Hunter can dress himself!

I had set my alarm clock over because of the storm knocking out the power. I woke up at 5:45 and was so happy to see I had one more hour left. So back to sleep I went. 6:45 the alarm went off. I went down the hall, the boys already up and playing in Hunters room, and into the kitchen and got ready to pour some cereal for the boys for breakfast. I looked up at the clock to see how much time I had to get all of us ready. looking forward to seeing over an hour to do it. It said 7:50. 7:50!!?? WHAT!? I zoomed down the hall yelling "kids, we are running late, get dressed!!!" Slow as snails in my mind, they moved along with their morning. I finished my makeup and got dressed within 5 minutes. I couldn't find my other shoe. "Jameson, where are Mommy's shoes you were wearing last night?" Jameson lead me all around, pointing all over, going from room to room... He had NO idea where the other shoe was! But he sure loved his nutty bar he had in hand. Mommy was getting a little bit annoyed. I just wanted my shoe! Thank goodness Hunter can dress himself. Jameson needed my assistance...OK, "Hunter, please help me find this shoe" I said as I pointed my toe while i was sitting on the floor wrestling the munchkin. He was on it, running from room to room. NOTHING. I re-scanned and finally found it, after dragging the boys along with me, in Hunter's room under his desk. FUNNY KIDDOS!!!
Then to the car we went. Hunter's backpack, our lunches, my Redbull all overflowing in my arms I ran out the door, locking it with my last lil open finger. Jameson had managed to smuggle out the nutty bar on our way and wouldn't leave it in the car, so into the daycare it went with him. I hugged, kissed and loved then I ran out to get to work on time.
I made it! Just in time.
Super Mom! I don't know about that one... but I sure felt like something super!


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