I would bet my hands on it!

The sunshine couldn't make for a better setting. Spring is on it's way down the road and I can't wait for it to stop and visit our home! I can already see the blooms peeking their pretty little heads out. The sun is putting smiles on faces and moods are shining as well.
I'm anxious to get the paint on the house, the deck torn down and the patio set out, the yard landscaped, the fence up. It's just right there...waiting on spring. I know that patience is something to be valued but I can't help but jump up and down on the inside...waiting!
The chickens are getting so big. They are adventuring around the pen a little more each day. The bunnies are as sweet as ever, waiting for the boys to come home and take them out for some more playtime.
There are things and stuff and junk everywhere. I can't wait to go through the house with a fine toothed comb and purge out all of the unnecessary items... I have so much surrounding me. Sheds. Done. Next is a huge yard sale come spring. Everything goes!! And I mean EVERYTHING!!
Each day can only get better. I've seen it happen. I bet my hands on it!


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