We can fly if we want to

My bucket list is still hanging up in my laundry room. Greg must read it weekly. He mentions "That's was on your bucket list" every now and again. I love that about him. The other day while he was cutting down trees to cut them up, he yelled out that when he gets a chance he is going to show me how to properly run the chainsaw. See...The bucket list. He remembers. Life with Greg is something extraordinary indeed. Together, we make a loving little world filled with Laughter. Chickens. Cows. Dogs. Bunnies. Oh my! Our home is a place where we can do anything. We can fly if we want to. Little by little we are making our adjustments, Together. Plans. To do lists. One step at a time.
As far as my bucket list. Well, Honestly... I haven't looked at it for almost a year now. I feel like all those things I had on that list...well, I've changed my mind on half of it. "Want and a Need are two different things Johanna..." My outlook on life is much more Me. Just like an old friend said. "You have no fear. You never have. When you were little you walked right up to that rooster and grabbed it. You got on the horse nobody would. Just like that. You were meant to be this." There is so much truth in that. My best friend Kara said, very honestly I might add, "You try to be the city girl, but you are a country girl. That's where you get lost. You are a girl who chops wood."

Its hard to admit to anyone that I had lost so much of myself. But I'm happy to say that the person I've always been, taking away the person they wanted me to be, is back in full force. That lil 15 year old country girl has found her place again. 15 years later. Better late then never.


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