The Chicken Hunter

March 10, 2012
Mikey was a Chicken Hunter, if a Chicken Hunter means running and screaming in tears, then yes, he may just be one of the best!
The kids had a wonderful day together playing outside with the chickens, in the fort and just running around with their weapons of choice. Exploring.
We all hopped in Em's wagon and headed to strotz's feed to get a couple more chickens to add. The kids could not wait to pick them out! There were no chicks until next week so Hunter and I nabbed a couple teenie-boppers out of the big wooden pen and boxed them up. The kids sat in back. lid open, petting away, knowing very well that if one escaped they would be fully responsible for any poop or feathers...
Hunter and Reesie Roo decided to catch all of the chickens and put them in the coop so they could pet each one individually. They wanted to get to know them. The 4 newest chickens, Teenagers, they ran like hell. The kids finally hacked down all of their hiding places with an ax and some clippers and a "sticker bush chopper" tool of some sort that Greg handed over. They loved every minute of it! I did too. It reminded me of Em and I out at the old red shed in Oso. Chopping. Digging. Chasing the chickens and goats. That's our next adventure...goats or sheep (Hunter wants a sheep in the worst way!) or maybe a Donkey (all Greg on that one...) I have my own animal agenda. I'm still trying to find a reasonable place to board my horse, close to home.


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