Growing like a silly couple of weeds!

September 5th, 2012
This year is a big year for the Wackadoos.
Hunter is in his last year of Elementary School and Jameson is on his last year of Pre-School. Both nervously, but ready, awaiting the next school year to arrive.
I still can't grasp fully the fact that my 10 year old Hunter is in the 5th grade. It was not long ago that we were saying goodbye to a 3 year old at daycare. I started crying in the parking lot of course! Hunter was raring & ready to go to "Pre-school".
Now, without a blink of an eye hes on the bus to 5th grade! Hes over the average in almost every category. Social being way over the top! He talks as fast as his mom with all the same hand movements. Animated as ever. Excited about everything.
Oh my little Jameson. He is ready for 1st grade but is in Pre-School waiting patiently for Kindergarten. His little mind has captured just about everything and much more. He is a smarty pants alright. He knows his flash cards like the back of his hand. Numbers. Letters. Colors. Counting. Alphabet song....all of it. He colors in the lines and adds his own flair to each picture. Another Artist on my hands.
Growing. Like a silly couple of Weeds!


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