Take only pictures; leave only footprints.

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go."
Through each inch of the trail we giggled at our craving for the blackberries that grew on the surrounding bushes. Picking every berry we could find. Some sour, some way toooo ripe, some just right! (It was a little story I like to call; Goldie locks and the 3 berries) Meanwhile, we kept an eye out for fellow trail adventure seekers. We also kept an ear out for a bell we kept hearing. It would get closer. Then farther. Closer. Farther. What on earth is that bell doing!? It was a dog. ...Embarrassing... Obviously not the cow or train..or ghost we thought it was.
Reaching the top was more amazing than we both had expected. Worth every minute. Every near death biker accident and Cow-bell attack!
Every minute!


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