
I have made huge mistakes. Big ones. Ones that have changed my life.
I do not regret any of them.
If I had not had made them then I would never have been able to learn how to make things right again. How to get past it. Get over it. Create new and great things from it. Learn from it! Sometimes it seems that the biggest mistakes can hold the best rewards. The outcomes have really helped me to appreciate things that I may not have otherwise.

Life is too short to focus on trying to make people happy. Sacrificing my own happiness. Wasting my energy was the stupidest thing that I could have done. It took so much away from the rest of my life. Some people are just life suckers. Making life so much harder. Never supporting or accepting- only expecting.

"If you keep putting into a box and someone keeps taking from the box - the box will just be an empty box. It will never be full."
-Johanna Olsen

I want to put LIFE back into my LIFE. Fun. Silliness.
I have forgotten how much I left behind. What used to be good. When who I was, was good enough.

I'm turning back time. You don't always get the dream...but you get awfully close!
I will LOVE whatever I want! My kiddos. Food. Movies. People. Life! All of it!


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